If only just a slightly different look at life...
Name: Krishanu
Location: Calcutta
I am an engineering student - sucks. I like writing - but I'm no longer good at it. I also enjoy really long walks. Walks where the journey is more important than the destination - that I like.
- Omnis Cellula e Cellula
- fifty-five
- Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?
- Lost in Translation
- Monk
- Love or Something Like It
- Soporifica
- Genesis
visitors since October 8, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
Evil. This is pure evil.
hey rainbeau! thanks for droppin by my blog...i can feel the horns poking out of my head this instant :P
luckily i don't like mishti
oye, if you are an insomniac how come you post so less???naki bhishon 'padhaku'?
and the mishti- yuck *wave of nausea
arre ja ja, oi puchki mishti dekhe amar kichhu hoy na! *shuts eye tight and hopes krish hasn't noticed*
I am weeeeeeping right now. Boo hoo :(
Any need to do this?
nuhting to do with the mishti. but i think ur template is mind blowing. The 'eye image' with the title.
this is an outrage! dont ppl lik mishti any more then the purpose of such a post is lost!
jaded: was an insomniac. thankfully no longer. achha bolchis jokhon aaro beshi post korbo. aami padhaku? hah!
aquamarine: thanks! do visit again...
Why weep! I should be happy! It is you who would suffer from diabetes... not me! :-p * raises his left eyebrow and puts on a faint smile of contempt *
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