Monday, October 31, 2005

Omnis Cellula e Cellula

Among the household chores that I am expected to perform (thankfully not everyday), the one I like the least is getting the milk. The entire process of convincing a deaf goala that I know that he has arrived, and then proceeding downstairs and squatting to get the milk just gets on my nerves.

This post has, however nothing to do with my disliking for my milkman. It boils down to last Friday when I trudged down the stairs to do the deed. Instead of letting me slam the door in his face (as I usually like to do), he told me to note down his cell phone number! What the hell? Even my frickin milkman has a cell phone.

Though I do possess a cell phone (I admit that I am rather attached to it), I find that I suffer from a rare form of passive-cell-phone-irritation syndrome. It is actually quite like passive smoking, yet much more irritating and not quite lethal. At least not to the sufferer.

I recall the time that I went to watch Sarkar at Roxy. Crap hall, with even crappier sound. On top of that some moron had his cell phone ringing incessantly. Dude! There is something called a silent mode. It’s when your cell phone doesn’t make any noise and doesn’t disturb anyone. Thankfully I was in august company that day. A brief session of bawali and taunts stopped the noise. Well, at least for the next fifteen minutes.

Footnote: India has just crushed Sri Lanka and now leads the 7 match series 3-0. Dhoni 183*. Damn! Dukher bishoi ei je dadar fire ashar aar bishesh aasha nei. Btw, Lonka kober theke eto murgi holo?


Blogger M (tread softly upon) said...

I hear that everyone has a cell phone in India now. Three years back when I was in cal I did see our dhobi extract one from a pile of washed laundry that he had lugged over to our house. While I sat there a little shocked, I realized "why not?". After all I am never amazed when the janitor who cleans the loo in my office in the US takes a break to answer his cell phone, then why shouldn't the dhobi or anyone else have a cell phone in India. That is great, methinks.

8:30 PM  
Blogger sv3 said...

Yeah, but its not great when some of them have fancier cellphone models than you do. And thats ignoring the fact that they probably don't even know to to use the damn thing!

I feel sorry for Dada too.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Krishanu said...

kanti: i hate it when that happens. are you a die-hard dada fan?

m: guess your right...

3:02 PM  
Blogger Unjustified Insanity~~ said...

pardon my ignorance
but what exactly is a cell phone???

12:24 AM  
Blogger Rita said...

Hee hee Krishanu :). I know what you mean. My plumber and regular auto driver both have cell phones.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Subhrajyoti Mukhopadhyay said...

cellphone .. really at times intrudes one's privacy

2:29 PM  
Blogger . : A : . said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Shamasis said...

Now that it is even cheaper than your regular electricity bill, everyone has a cellphone. (Except my Grand'pa, who prefers to remain 'ajantrik' for hegemonial reasons!)

However, in present scenario of India, it is not the day for one who has the best set, but for the one who makes the most outgoing calls.

Beleive me, when people give missed calls and expect the other person to call back, it feels disgusting. And the best excuse... "I don't have balance in my cell!"

Well... dude, I do understand that you don't have balance, then why expect others to call back. (Well if it is at the end of the month or you are really having a bad time, it is then considerable. Otherwise, do you expect me to believe that you are always having a bad time 365.25 days a year??? Ridiculous!

Please don't think that I am acting as a snob. But, I am just laying down a general thought.

PS: Thanks to Mr Tata that we will have no outgoing but only incoming phones for the coming two years!!!
And about dada... I guess its a wrong place to waste and discuss on him.

Amen (Ahem)

* i wonder why does this blogger word verification always present me with such a gigantic encrypted string. hmmmphh *

9:58 PM  
Blogger jaded said...

what is "bawali"??and amader electrician has a more expensive model than i do!!sheesh!

and u a die-hard dada fan?me too!though this friggin conspiracy by some ignorant fools has succeeded in diminishing my interest in cricket..omg and i was called the cricket encyclopedia once!(yes, amongst the girls that is..
;-) btw i am bak and happy kali pujo etc

1:23 AM  
Blogger Krishanu said...

adroit: thank you for reminding me of the scourge of the missed call...being a serial missed caller nowadays is probably worse than being a serial killer.

jaded: long time no see...kya hua? sad that dada is almost gone...happy kali pujo

1:17 PM  
Blogger Krishanu said...

jaded:'s...ummm...kinda like misbehaving...but no ordinary misbehaving...kinda hard to have to see it to understand...when i can define it i will send the definition to you. its kinda being indisciplined but applies only to groups of boys, not always with a purpose and involving large amounts of machoness...i hope you get the picture

1:20 PM  

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